Friday, December 30, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: Creative Moms

Here are two more moms who created businesses from their homes. They are both sponsors for Bum Luxury's 1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway!

Little Shop of Twinkle

I am a SAHM to a beautiful daughter and expecting another girl soon. I started Little Shop of Twinkle after realizing how easy it was to make tutus when preparing to go see Disney on Ice: Princess Classics. Then I found a great deal on flowers to make hair bows and Little Shop of Twinkle was born. It's more of a hobby and most of my business is from local customers.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: Cloth and Accessories from WAHMS 2

Here are two more great sponsors from Bum Luxury's 1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway. Both are cloth diaper users and own businesses that are CD related. Check out these awesome WAHMs!

Black Hollow Soaps and Scents

I am a WAHM mother of three. I provide daycare during the day, and make soap by night! I saw the success of many other WAHMs, and wondered if I could turn the soap I was making for my family into a business. So far, so good! There are so many harsh ingredients in body care products out there, and I am just happy to be able to provide a safe alternative!

Friday, December 23, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: For the home

Since most of my readers, fans and customers are women, I wanted to make sure I had some great prizes for them! These sponsors have been super generous with their time and donations, so be sure to check them out. 

At Home America with Andrea

Hi Ladies~ My name is Andrea Kolder and I am a HomeStyle Specialist with At Home America.  I have been with the company as a HomeStyle Specialist for a year now, but a customer for 7 years!  I LOVE At Home America!!  At Home America is a direct sales company offering attractive & good quality HomeWares.  If you're decorating your home or looking for gifts, we definitely have something for every taste & budget!  From quilts, picture frames, candles, baskets, clocks, vases & kitchenware...we have it ALL!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: Accessorize Yourself!

Jamberry Nails with Tara

As a full-time teacher, I had been searching for something that would give me some extra money and not take away from my full-time job. I love that Jamberry Nails is for women of all ages, and that I'm helping them save money, time, AND look great!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: What Women Want

These days, more women are starting to work from home and many adult planning parties have come into the picture. People are more open about their bedroom behavior and want to make sure both their partner and themselves are satisfied. These ladies are here to help!

Passion Parties by Dawne

I became a Passion Party consultant because I believe in empowering women!  We believe romance starts long before the lights go out and therefore we have a full line of products from the bathroom, to spa and massage to the bedroom.  Our spa products are paraben-free (most are all natural and aloe vera based) and our bedroom accessories are phalate-free (the chemicals used to produce plastics that are linked to cancer.)  

I make 40% of all sales and help women help themselves and their relationships.  I make my own hours and everyday when I go to work, I end up at a party!  Its a great way to form relationships with women and have fun!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Meet Me on Monday: Holiday Edition

From Never Growing Old: For this weeks Meet Me On Monday, I'm going to have all the questions Christmas related and 15 questions instead of 5 since there will be no Meet Me On Monday next week (Christmas) or the week after that (New Years)!!

I will try to post the following Mondays, as my husband still has to work, so it's back to normal here for me. If not though, at least I'm covered!

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I love to wrap presents and prefer to do that over getting a bag and tissue paper any day. I love wrapping parties where lots of people get together to wrap presents and listen to holiday songs while drinking egg nog or some other delicious wintery drink.

2.Real or artificial tree?
Real! Each year we go to a tree lot to find the perfect tree. I then sing Oh Christmas Tree to it a few times to make it feel like it belongs. I know-super cheesy, but it's my way.

3.When do you put your tree up?
When I feel that I can have it up without it wilting and shriveling away before Christmas Day. This year it's been colder here in Phoenix, so we got it the first weekend in December. It still looks great!
4.When do you take your tree down?
New Year's Day or the week of is my goal.
5.Do you like eggnog?
Yes! I don't love it, but it's nice to have a glass around the holidays.

6.Do you have a nativity scene?
No. We always had one growing up and I loved setting it up and making it look perfect with our fake snow, but my husband and I aren't religious.

7.Favorite Christmas Movie?
Elf for sure! Love that movie. I've watched it already this year while making cake balls with the family.

8.Favorite Christmas cookie?
I don't have a favorite cookie. I love them all!

9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner?
Here at home. I love to cook, so I'm hoping for something good.
10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree?
This year we don't have anything. We had our angel for the last seven years and it took me forever to find the perfect one. It broke sometime last year and we didn't buy anything new this year, because again, I need something I feel is perfect. I want a light up star now. :)

11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
I don't find much annoying as I love the holiday season, but I get sad because I never have enough money to buy the gifts I would like to get for people. It's the thought that counts, right?

12.Do you like Fruitcake?

13.What are you most excited about the holidays?
To see people open their gifts. I try to get the perfect thing for everyone, so I want to know if they like it as much as I had hoped.

14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Christmas morning for us. There were a few years growing up where we would open one present on Christmas Eve, but mostly just Christmas morning after stockings.
15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve? 
Probably. It's a tradition for me to procrastinate. I have most of Baby J's gifts-all of them I think, but I haven't been able to get the wrapping out of the attic and have time to wrap with her not being under foot.

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: ScrappinCntry Memories

As moms, we all love to keep memories of our children in cute little books, but it's not always practical to have the time and energy to create page after page in a scrapbook. At least not for me!

Introducing ScrappinCntry Memories by Dawne!  Among other things, she creates custom transparencies to add to your scrapbooks for easy layouts. She has twenty nine transparencies to choose from so far. Just like back in school, they are overhead transparencies and come on an 8.5x11 sheet. These transparencies can then be attached to any 12x12 sheet of scrapbooking paper to create a layout in less than 5 minutes. Just add some embellishments and your done!

Here are a few examples of layouts you can achieve from these transparencies:

You can win five transparencies by entering this giveaway. If you don't want to wait to try these out or you didn't win, check out Ebay for more pictures and immediate purchase.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: Cloth and Accessories from WAHMs

I love to work with other small businesses and there's nothing better than your fellow work at home mom (WAHM) that loves cloth as much as you do! Or as much as I do...Check out these three awesome sponsors and their prizes for Bum Luxury's 1000 Facebook Fan Giveaway!

Balls Everywhere with Molli

In addition to being mommy to thirteen month old named Jack, I am a biology and agriculture teacher in a small high school.  I'm also an Army Reservist.  I recently finished my master's degree, and I guess I thought I should find something to fill up all that free time!  My husband makes most of the balls (good excuse to sit on the couch :) ), and I do the marketing and shipping.

Enter the giveaway, or check out Balls Everywhere Facebook page if you want to purchase from her directly. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Meet Me on Monday Week 23


1.  Tomorrow I'm going to _________?
Order the gifts I've been working on to have for family and friends for the holidays. I can't say what they are just in case anyone receiving one reads this, so it will be a surprise. :) 
2.  Pudding or Jello?
Pudding! Chocolate preferred. Even better if you put it in a pie! Yum!

3.  What book are you currently reading? 
I'm reading The Confession by John Grisham I highly recommend it. I'm about 2/3 through and it's very captivating. Grisham's books always suck me in. 

4.  What is the first concert you went to see?
I went to a 106.1 Kiss FM party (Dallas radio station) w/ many bands/groups when I was 12 or 13-somewhere around there. I honestly have no idea who played, but I know I was excited. I'm a huge concert fan and love going. The most recent concert I went to was Taylor Swift in October. It was a spectacular show! 

5.  What is your current weather?
Rainy! :( Yuck! Yesterday was a beautiful 75ish degree day with a clear, blue sky. Then I wake up to clouds and rain-all day long! Unfortunately, I've been stuck in the house because of this (my husband has decided that since other people in Arizona don't know how to drive in the rain, I guess I'm not allowed to) with a 17 month old who has decided she doesn't need to nap anymore. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Very Merry Deals at Vistaprint!

As a business owner, I need multiple items printed for Bum Luxury. My first business purchase from Vistapint was 1000 business cards earlier this year. I didn't originally plan to purchase that many, but they pulled me in with their amazing deals. When I got my cards though, my logo wasn't on them. I could swear that I put the logo on the back, but it was not there. I now just write messages on the back so it has all worked out, but I was a bit sad when my logo was missing. 

I decided to try them again when I realized I needed handouts for all the events I was doing this fall and winter. I created a brochure to pass out for people to easily see at a glance what the pros are to cloth diapering, the types of diapers and what Bum Luxury offers. It was simple to upload my image to Vistaprint and my brochure was created. I got 25 for free and when they arrived I loved the glossy paper! Actually I paid $10 for these  because it's a $4.99 fee to upload a design and I uploaded two-one front and one back. I figured that was okay though since the regular price for these is $39.99 for 25.  I also love that the brochures come folded. Some places I've researched make you pay extra for folding. I am cheap and would rather do it myself!

Vistaprint offered free shipping if I spent $50 or more, so I then decided to add more to my cart. I decided to try 50 rack cards, 25 flyers, 100 post cards, 100 handouts, 1 Tshirt, 2 tote bags, 1 pen, address labels and some product stickers. I think that's everything. I spent just over $50-just so I could get free shipping. All these items were actually free, but I paid to upload my logo to them. I was more than happy when my order arrived in less than a week! The tote bags are sturdy and hold a ton! All my print handouts go with me to each show in them. I have only worn the shirt once so far and my logo looks very professional on it. 

I was running out of brochures, so just last week I made another purchase. I just couldn't pass up their Black Friday-Cyber Monday deals! I got 25 more brochures for free, 100% free since I didn't have to pay to upload my logo! I then needed to purchase lawn signs because I'm hosting an event on Sunday and I will be posting them around the neighborhood to point people in the right direction. The smalls were free and the mediums were $5. Love them! Vistaprint has 100's of designs to choose from so I picked 4 different holiday related designs to use.

I also ordered 250 postcards free and then paid $10 for 250 more to advertise my event. I thought about paying for the mailing list and having Vistaprint mail them for me, but then decided to pass. The price for the postage alone is what made me rethink it. Yesterday as I went around spamming the parking lots of local businesses and putting them on cars, I realized it was probably worth the money! At least I got some exercise! 

After many months of waiting, I finally ordered a banner for my event booths. I had received my logo on a disk about a week before my recent move and was waiting to use the larger file size for my banner as my current size said it might be grainy. Unfortunately, after waiting all this time, the file was too large and I couldn't use it anyway! I still need to figure out how to resize it. I ended up trying the photo I already have since the banner was free and am so happy I did. The banner is a great size for my table and very sturdy. I ordered the banner holders, but when my package arrived, it came with some. Now I have a spare in case anything happens to them! 

With my last order, I also got free address labels for the holidays. It was something Vistaprint offered at the last minute. Why not? They're free and I need some new ones since I just moved! Perfect! 

Again, Vistaprint offered free shipping after $50 so I spent $56 and received so much more! I could not be happier with the service I have gotten. The prices are unbeatable-I've checked! 

For a small business owner, Vistaprint is an amazing resource to have for all of your printing needs. 

Click here to try out Vistaprint for yourself!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Meet Me on Monday Week 22


1.  Monday's are _________?
A day to get the house back in order after the weekend.

2.  What is your favorite kind of milkshake?
Chocolate! It needs to be made with real chocolate ice cream and not vanilla with chocolate syrup.
My favorite milk shake of all-too bad there aren't any Braum's in Arizona. :(

3.  What monthly bill do you most dislike paying? 
I don't pay the monthly bills. If I looked at our account, I might have a heart attack because my husband spends a lot of money on things and he doesn't care about the price. :( We had to make this deal a long time ago that he did all the bills and as long as I could spend money if I needed to we were good, or else I would do the bills and he'd get an allowance. He chose the former.

4.  How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
Two-my work email and my personal email. My work email is almost always caught up. I have about 70 emails to go through in my personal account on a regular basis. :( I need to unsubscribe from some things.

5.  What color lights are on your Christmas Tree?
We have white and blue lights on our tree. We just put it up on Saturday. I can't find my tree skirt and our tree topper broke last year, so it's not complete yet.  
This is our tree from 2009...I haven't taken one of our tree this year yet. We have the same lights on it though!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Giveways for December

This month Bum Luxury won't be having a First Fluffy Friday event. Don't panic though! We are still doing giveaways! Yes, that's with an 's' so there are multiple prizes and chances to win this month. 

First, there's the Knickernappies Scavenger Hunt that started yesterday. Have you begun the search? There are thirty retailers participating and just as many prizes to be won! Bum Luxury is giving away a OS Knickernappies diaper with a microfiber inserts. Check out the Knickernappies Facebook page after you register and keep track of which hunts you've completed. Knickernappies is also giving the grand prize winner 6 custom sized diapers! Wow!

Bum Luxury is also participating in the I <3 Fluff 4,000 Fan Giveaway! This is a multiple prize giveaway as well and features many retailers with various prizes. Bum Luxury will be giving away a gift certificate to the store for one lucky winner. I <3 Fluff is also giving away a $25 gift certificate to one winner and their favorite retailer so head on over to their Facebook page and let them know Bum Luxury sent you!

Finally, we will be participating in two giveaways with Heather from Mommy's Favorite Things. The first is Bringing Home Baby where Bum Luxury will be giving away  in late December/early January, and the second is the Newborn Cloth Diaper Event in January. 

I'm also thinking of doing some holiday specials throughout the month so stay tuned for quick giveaways for my loyal fans! 

Thanks for understanding! Good luck

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bum Luxury Black Friday Specials

This is our first year being open on this spectacular weekend for shopping! It's a ton of work setting up all these codes for you, so be sure to use them! Some items will just be marked down and won't need a coupon code. Don't miss the deals!

·        15% off-Use code: YUM!

·        Buy 2 48oz. bags of Eco Sprout, Get 1 24 oz. bag free w/ code 24FREE
·        OR free 24 oz. bag of detergent w/ any order over $100 w/ code ECO100

·        20% off all products-use code: FuzziCheer

·        Buy 2 Get 1 Free on all AIOs and Shells (this deal cannot be combined with other deals)

 no code required
·        Rumparooz Pockets-solids-$20, prints $22
·        Lil Joeys-$25 2/pack
·        Rumparooz OS/newborn covers-$2 off

*Receive double reward points all day on Black Friday.

 *Receive a gift card worth 10% of your purchase Black Friday-Cyber Monday to use on your next purchase.

*Check our Facebook and Twitter pages for additional deals throughout the weekend! You might be able to find something on our blog as well…