Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Referral Contest

I'm doing a surprise giveaway for my fans! The contest starts now and ends March 31, 2012.

I need your help telling your fans, friends, and family about Bum Luxury!

Here are some ideas:

1. Go to your Facebook personal profile, Facebook fan page, Twitter, and/or blog and post asking them to become a fan of Bum Luxury.
2. Tag our page @BumLuxury (or you can use our link http://www.facebook.com/BumLuxury)
3. Tell them what you love about being our fan.
4. Mention a product we sell that you love.
5. Then post a comment below letting us know you are participating and where you posted (Facebook profile, your fan page, blog, Twitter, etc.)

Contest Rules:
A minimum of 5 referred friends are required to win. They will need to fill out this document with your name.

FREE USA shipping. An International winner will need to pay shipping.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Tales: Vinegar

If you have ever had trouble with your cloth diapers, you know that there are hundreds of opinions on the best way to fix your issues. Blogs, baby forums and Facebook are just a few places you can ask and be told what is wrong and what to do about it. 

I love Google, but just like your mother told you, don't believe everything you read. Many people think they are experts on wash routines, stripping, ammonia, yeast, etc. Be wary of someone who has tried everything-that means they have had problems! 

If you are having stink issues, the first thing you need to do is figure out why. It does take awhile to find the right wash routine for each person because detergents, water variables, washers and size of each diaper load all need to be taken into account. Once you find a wash routine that works for you, any issues you may have had should disappear. 

I came across this article: Is vinegar safe for cloth diapers? and wanted to share the main headlines of the article. 

Vinegar neutralizes ammonia!

Vinegar helps reduce detergent buildup and breakdown residue!

Vinegar works as an alternative to fabric softeners!

Vinegar helps prevent stains!

After reading this, the author says, "So yes, vinegar is safe for cloth diapers." Hmmm...just because something is able to do these things, doesn't mean it's safe. 

Many manufacturers do not recommend using vinegar and it can actually void your warranty. Some companies claim that vinegar breaks down PUL and ruins elastic. 
Flip by Econobum washing instructions
The best thing to do would be to determine why you feel that you need to use vinegar. Do you have build up? Are you using too much detergent? Are you using enough? Do you have hard water? Are you rinsing enough after your wash? Do you do a pre-rinse? Is your detergent safe for cloth diapers?

Vinegar is definitely an amazing resource to use in your home, but for the easiest wash routine, simplify and find the right detergent/diaper/water ratio for you and your diapers!

 Do you use vinegar in your diaper laundry?

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet Me on Monday Week 27

I know it's been a few weeks since I posted a MMOM post. The last host, Never Growing Old, hasn't posted once since the holidays, so now, Acting Balanced is taking up the reins on our favorite Monday posts! 


1. What is on your bedside table?
I always have a book on my nightstand. Right now I have two, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I finished the fourth book last night so I grabbed the next one just in case I felt up to starting it, however, I was too tired! I also always have my lamp and a glass of water on my nightstand. When I'm asleep, my glasses rest there, too. 

2. Hardback, Paperback or E-Reader?
If I am keeping the book, I prefer hardback covers, especially if it's a series. I get paperback quite often when they are on sale. I just got a Kindle for my birthday so I'll be putting that to use here soon!

3. What is your 'go to' drink of choice?
Water. I love water. I prefer it in a large plastic cup on the rocks. I should drink some right now!

4. How do you like to spend your birthday?
I want to spend it with friends and family eating lots of cake and things I should be resisting the rest of the year!

5. Finish this sentence - I would never be caught dead in ...
skinny jeans. I'm not skinny, and they aren't flattering. 
I don't need everyone else to know my thighs like to make out!

Answer them on your blog and link up - or answer them in the comment section below - 

Acting Balanced