Saturday, September 3, 2011

"You'd want to poop on this!"

Yes, my husband actually said this to a computer technician that came to our home. I was shocked and embarrassed. I was even more horrified when my husband took the microfiber insert that Baby J had been carrying around-not in her diaper-and made him feel it. Yes, it was clean, but I would assume most 20-something guys don't go around touching things that have been peed in and pooped on everyday. But, then I think back to the time when hubby was in the air force and remember some of the guys we were around...

I thought of this incidient last night when I showed my hubby my new shipment from Sweet Pea Diapers. I thought the flannel wipes and the bamboo soakers were so soft, I wanted him to feel them. I am one of those people that need to touch things when shopping, especially when they look soft. 
Flannel Wipes-8ct. $5.95

He was surprised by the wipes, but then he took the bamboo soaker from me and he said, "Now, you'd really want to poop in this thing."
This is so soft you will want to rub it on your cheeks! The cheeks on your face...:)
When we first moved to our new home in August, I obviously didn't have much time for blogging. Earlier this week I began this post remembering back to that poor computer technician who was forced to feel our daughter's microfiber insert.

Luckily, he was very cool with it. He actually knew a little bit about cloth diapers and started asking my husband about it. I'm not sure if he saw my business cards on the desk or how the conversation started, but I inched my way into the discussion. He didn't have kids and he looked younger than us so I was surprised when he said he knew they were better for the baby and the environment. He told us he was engaged and his fiance had told him about them. I think it's pretty neat how word is getting out about the new generation of cloth diapers. 

I remember when my husband looked at me like I had gone off the deep end when I told him I wanted to use cloth diapers, and now he is my biggest supporter. 


  1. Hello, I found your blog on Bloggy Moms and am your newest follower! I am so excited to have come acroos your blog, I am a cding mama myself and this blog is amazing.

    I also just started my first blog last month, and would love for you to check it out. Let me know if you are interested in exchanging links, buttons or guest posts! I look forward to keeping in touch.


  2. Thanks Terri! I haven't been as active lately, but I'm hoping to find more time to write. I kind of miss it, but I've been super busy. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

    I will definitely check out your blog. It's always fun to connect with others through blogging. :)
