Monday, October 17, 2011

Meet Me on Monday Week 16

Here we go again! Please share your answers in the comments, or link to your blog post in the linky.


1.  The thing that scares me the most is __________?
Cockroaches scare the bejesus out of me . They are the most disgusting things and I hate them. Yuck!
It gives me the heeby jeebies just posting this picture.

2.  Do you like nuts in your Chocolate Chip cookies?
No-I like chocolate chips in my cookies! There's not enough room for nuts.
These look soft and delicious! It's fall now, you know what that means? Baking season!

3.  If you couldn't change the channel, what TV show would drive you from the room?
A boring sport, like baseball or golf, would drive me out of a room. That's not fun to watch. Honestly, if I was forced to have this on my TV, I would just pick up a book. I can ignore it.

4.  Pulp or no pulp in your Orange Juice?
It doesn't matter if there's a ton of pulp or none at all, I love OJ! Especially w/ a little champagne mixed in...oh! I wish I could have a mimosa! 

5.  Who do you miss the most?
I miss a lot of people. I don't have any family in Arizona except for my hubby and Baby J, so it's hard at times. I've also grown apart from many friends I thought I'd be close with no matter what. It makes me sad, but then I wonder if they were the friend I thought they were.

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